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Edit Processing "Ethereum Classic"

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Upload image "70.gif" to "images" folder Processing: Ethereum Classic (70)


ETC Rate (18.3510 f.e):
Num of confirmations (1-20):
Define Key String (random string):
Type your Ethereum Classic address here. Your address should not have contract on it.
Key string - any random string

How it works: Script generates a temporary address for each user. When user transfers ethereum classic and transaction confirms - script transfers ethereum classic to your address.
Usage fee: minus ethereum classic tx fee and minus 1% (accumulative fee, once in several transactions)

Min deposit processed should be twice greater than average fee for transaction and more $0.10. Deposit less that min deposit will not be processed by script
Select a processing for Ethereum Classic deposits
login as a user and try deposit to test settings.
Deposit Limits:
Min ($) Max ($)
Deposit Fees:
Fee (%) Additional Fee ($)
Min ($) Max ($)


Withdraw Limits:
Min ($) Max ($)
Withdraw Fees:
Fee (%) Additional Fee ($)
Min ($) Max ($)


Auto-Withdraw Status:
ETC Rate (18.3510 f.e):
Private Key:
Miminum auto withdraw amount is 0.01 USDT
Set Private key of your ETC address.

1. standard ethereum classic fee
2. processing fee is 1% withdraw amount + $0.3 per transaction (accumulative fee)

Select a processing for Ethereum Classic withdrawals
Auto-Withdraw Limits:
Min ($) Max ($)

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