Setup Payeer SCI

  1. Enter your Payeer account.
  2. Switch to "Merchant Settings" page in right side menu.
    HYIP Manager Pro - Payeer Account
  3. Click on "Add Merchant" button.
    HYIP Manager Pro - Payeer - Maerchants List
  4. Fill Add Merchant Form:
    Name - any name
    Secret Key - save secret key Payeer was generated for you or enter your one.
    Domain - your site domain
    After click "Add Merchant" button site will ask you for your Master Key - your Payeer account Master Key to verify your identity.
    HYIP Manager Pro - Payeer - Add a new merchant
  5. Next step will show you your Shop ID (654516941 on example image).
    You have to confirm your domain by creating file payeer_[Your Shop ID].txt on your host. You should place this file in same folder where HYIP Manager Pro's index.php is located. After you create file and upload it on your host click on "Confirm" button.
    Also you should provide correct URLs to Shop settings:
    Success URL - set to http://my_program_domain/?a=return_success
    Fail URL - set to http://my_program_domain/?a=return_fails
    Status URL - set to http://my_program_domain/index.php/status/postback/43/
    For all URLs above - change "my_program_domain" to your site domain. If you are using HTTPS on your site change "http://" to "https://"
    HYIP Manager Pro - Payeer - Add a New Merchant
    Save filled form.
  6. Enter HYIP Manager Pro admin panel Settings page and setup Payeer SCI: HYIP Manager Pro - Enter Payeer Merchant Settings
  7. Do not forget save Settings.
  8. Create test user account and make deposit via Payeer to test your settings.

Setup Payeer API

  1. Enter your Payeer account.
  2. Switch to "Mass Payouts" page in right side menu.
    HYIP Manager Pro - Payeer Account
  3. Click on "Activation" button.
    HYIP Manager Pro - Payeer API - Activation
  4. Fill API User form:
    Name - any name
    Secret Key - save secret key Payeer was generated for you or enter your one (this key should be different from your accout password and Shop Secret Key).
    IP - you can set "*.*.*.*" to allow access from any ip but for more security it should be your server outgoing IP. Get your server outgoing IP from your hoster.
    After click on "Add API-User" button site will ask you for you Master Key - your Payeer account Master Key to verify your identity.
    HYIP Manager Pro - Enable Payeer Automated Program Interface (API)
  5. Next step will show you your API ID.
    HYIP Manager Pro - Payeer - Edit API
  6. Enter HYIP Manger Pro admin panel Auto-Withdrawals Settings page and setup Payeer API:
    Account ID - your Payeer ID (PXXXXXXX)
    API ID - your API ID
    API Key - your API Secret Key
    HYIP Manager Pro - Enter Payeer API settings
    After you enter all required data you can click on "Test" button, to use script access Payeer API and get your balance. If data you have entered is valid and you setup API in your account correcly, you will see your USD balance.
  7. Do not forget save Settings.