Enter your Alternate Passphrase and save settings. Note that this password should be strong and unique - contains capital letters, digits and special characters. Never provide your Alternate Passphrase to thirdparty!
Enter HYIP Manager Pro admin panel Settings page and setup Perfect Money SCI:
Do not forget save Settings.
Create test user account and make deposit via Perfect Money to test your settings.
Setup Perfect Money API
Enter your Perfect Money account.
Switch to Settings page.
Switch to "Change Security Settings" page:
Scroll down to API (Automated Program Interface) and click on "Enable" button:
After API enabled you will see green light next to the title and IP Mask "Edit" button:
Optionally for more security you can add your server outgoing IP to IP Mask. Get your server outgoing IP from your hoster.
Enter HYIP Manger Pro admin panel Auto-Withdrawals Settings page and setup Perfect Money API: Account ID - your primary Perfect Money account ID Payer Account - your Perfect Money USD wallet (Uxxxxxxx) PerfectMoney Password - your primary Perfect Money password - you use to access your account.
After you enter all required data you can click on "Test" button, to use script access Perfect Money API and get your balance. If data you have entered is valid and you setup API in your PM account correcly, you will see your USD balance.
Do not forget save Settings.
Currently Perfect Money starts deny access API from several IP's. If you will see your IP is not allowed, we can't help you with this problem. You have contact PM to unblock your IP, ask your hoster change your IP or change hosting at all.